About ourselves
The idea behind Genius Coaching & Training GmbH and its business philosophy is to apply and extend knowledge about emotional intelligence for the use of employees, senior managers or private individuals.
During his professional career, Dr Thomas Oehler, founder and owner of the company, has truly “lived” and experienced his education and training as an instructor, coach and counsellor in the “real world” of business and commerce. The same applies to the partners working for Genius Coaching & Training GmbH.
This unique experience is clearly evident in the operative orientation of the approach adopted in all of the company’s service areas.
Stress management, staff motivation, cost pressures and communication with and within teams are right at the top of the agenda in every activity.
In the real world of business, managers are often stretched to the limits (or beyond?) of their physical and mental capabilities…
…which has a major impact on their leadership behaviour and job satisfaction.
The use of knowledge about emotional intelligence leads …
- …to optimal co-operation within the management team
- …to skilful leadership in complex structures
- …to acceptance of management decisions and their faster implementation both internally and externally
Effective teams will then develop quickly if empathy is present:
Staff feelings are respected and skilfully used in decision-making. People with well-developed social skills tend to be at the centre of an extensive communication network.
We actively involve our clients in these development processes in order to ensure knowledge transfer and enhance the problem solving and project management skills of your staff. The work we undertake for our clients then continues to enhance their market performance and brand value long after our services have been concluded.
„I communicate – therefore I am.“
Drawing freely on René Descartes, I feel that this maxim almost perfectly describes my principles in both life and work.
And since I draw no line between private and professional preferences, I see my professional challenge to be in the field of coaching and development.
Recent stages of my career have made me highly aware of one decisive fact: staff behaviour and the general atmosphere within a company are first and foremost dependent on the executive level.
It is we who really determine such vital factors as job satisfaction, clear leadership, team spirit, well-structured work processes, the freedom to take decisions and understand their background. These factors are, in turn, decisive for the stress perception of both junior and senior staff.
However, how can all these factors be borne in mind in the midst of the recurrent challenges of the daily round?
How can I develop and preserve a sense of joy in my creative work when torn between a heavy workload and a desire to achieve?
This depends to a large extent on the ability to relax. This ability cannot be called up on demand or bought; it must be learnt and developed over the long term. But it is of vital importance - if we cannot switch off and relax in order to restore our strength, we neglect the biological need to provide ourselves with a recovery period.
Dr. Thomas Oehler
Born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (1959), Dr Thomas Oehler discovered his passion for travelling widely in Europe at a very early age. He later made full use of his experiences in both his professional and private life.
Having studied communication science (M.A.), sociology, psychology (D.E.A.) and economics (PhD) in Munich, Strasbourg and Paris, Thomas has held senior positions in Europe, Asia and the USA for the past twenty years, for instance as General Manager of L’Oréal, France and Germany, Schwarzkopf Scandinavia and Germany, the DDB Needham Advertising Agency, Vienna, Information & Publicité, Paris & Budapest, and HAVAS, Paris.
Today, Thomas divides his work-time between Düsseldorf, Paris, Milan and Budapest as most of his business activities lie in Germany, France, Italy and Hungary.
His particular love for the these countries stems from his international assignments as General Manager and trainer in these locations. He regards the professional and private experience gained during this time as highly formative for his life – then and now.
Trainer/Coach Profile Dr.Thomas Oehler
Dr. Thomas Oehler, Coach and Trainer, was managing director of international companies in Consulting and Counselling services, Media, Cosmetics and Advertising. With a Master’s degree in science communication, sociology and philosophy, Postgraduate studies in psychology and a Phd in Economics/ Management.
Dr.Oehler has worked in France, Germany, China, USA, UK, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy and Austria.
This unique experience is clearly evident in the operative orientation of Dr.Oehler´s coaching approach. His areas of expertise are: Transformation and Change management, communication, stress management, motivation, negotiations, conflict management, mediation, team–building, and integration of new executives within a company as well as Corporate Social Responsibility.
Job Level of staff coached : Executives , Sector Executives, Department Heads, Sales and market Supervisors
Coaching Methods : Active discussion, self-exploration, psychological methods, focused interviews
Stress management, staff motivation, cost pressures and communication with and within teams are right at the top of the agenda in every activity. In “the real world of business”, executives are often stretched to the limits(or beyond?) of their physical and mental capabilities… which has a major impact on their leadership behaviour and
job satisfaction.
The use of knowledge about emotional intelligence leads …
Effective teams will then develop quickly if empathy is present:
Staff feelings are respected and skilfully used in decision-making. People with well-developed social skills tend to be at the centre of an extensive communication network.
The individual Coaching of the Manager must aim to give him the freedom to be himself and to overcome the obstacles that may restrict him.
To achieve this, the coach acts as a “MIRROR” allowing the manager to get to know himself better and to go more effectively where he really wants to go.
At the same time, the coach is a “FACILITATOR” who helps to discover the brakes that hold him back, and then becomes a “MIDWIFE” who helps solutions to emerge on the basis of the manager’s own capabilities.
Finally, he becomes a “CO-PILOT” who helps the manager clarify his ideas as well as define and test the parameters of change.
Dr.Oehler actively involves his clients in these development processes in order to ensure knowledge transfer and enhance the problem solving and project management skills of the staff.
- Professional Experience :
Managing Director of several international companies in diverse fields:
Consulting and Counselling services, Media, Cosmetics, Advertising - Worked in the following countries:
France, Germany, China, USA, UK, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Austria - Coaching experience :
1988 to 2003: Managing Director: Havas, DDB Needham, Schwarzkopf/Henkel, L'Oréal.
2003 to present: External Coach, Founder and CEO of Genius Coaching & Training GmbH
- Stress management
- Staff motivation and satisfaction
- Transformation and Change management, as well as Corporate Social Responsability
- Individual conflict management, mediation
- Communication training within a team and between teams / new executives
- Integration of new executives within a company
- University level instruction in marketing, Marketing-Academy, Frankfurt
- Master’s degree in science communication, sociology and philosophy
- Postgraduate studies in psychology: University of Strasburg
- PhD in Science Management, Munich, Strasburg and Paris
Coach Education & Training in Germany, France and USA:
- L-Team, Trossingen/Stuttgart,Germany – Executive/Leadership Coaching
- European Negotiation Centre/ Paris, France – Negotiation Trainings
- Sundoor School of Transpersonal Education, Twaine Harte, CA., USA – Crosscultural Coaching
• German
• English
• French
• Hungarian (basic)