We focus on:
- training teams and individuals
- negotiating skills
- difficult situations in old and new teams
- conflict management
- innovation management
- inter-cultural communication
All seminars can be conducted in German, English or French.
- Support in change management
- Preparation for and support in negotiations
- Customised conflict
- Coaching in group processes
Training in Virtual Reality
- Negotiation
- Burnout-Prevention
Further trainings are currently being prepared and are available on request.
to the programmes
Implementation in day-to-day business life
It is precisely at times of advanced economic dependency that international exchanges (and not just between Eastern and Western Europe) conceal major opportunities.
The challenge consists of recognising the relevant experience, sharing it and using it to reach conclusions.
This is why we have set ourselves the objective of emphasising this cross-border responsibility in our training courses. French, German, Italian and British attitudes and approaches are particularly significant.
Innovation and creativity are without doubt the clear challenges of the new and enlarged Europe – and in many places they have still to be taken up.
Innovation and creativity will secure the success of every single company. In our philosophy, the personality of the individual and his strategy for action and leadership always stand very clearly way out in front.